"Providing services honoring self-choice and creating community connections for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities"
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of five to seven volunteers representing different expertise, knowledge, background and relationships with the agency. The Board consist of both private members and those who are involved with DSJC as the parent, guardian or family member of a person receiving supports. Family representatives need not reside within Jackson County; all other members of the Board must reside within Jackson County or be engaged in business operations within the county.
The Board of Directors will meet once a month, January through November, for about two hours and additional time if necessary to review information sent typically two to three business days in advance of the meeting.
The Board oversees administrative operations of the agency through the Directors. The Board establishes and sets policies based upon the recommendations of the Director, professional legal counsel, state regulatory agencies, governing Community Developmental Disability Organizations, current human resources law and practice, and the professional auditing firm (CPA).
It is extremely important to the health of the organization to have a variety of individuals of all ages and varying fields of study and expertise to serve as volunteer board members.
-B o a r d M e m b e r s-
Jodie Swendson: President
Mark Aeschliman: Vice President
Linda Maxwell: Treasurer
Joann Brees: Secretary
Mallory Jacobs
Audra Miller
Judy May